SiTec position limit switches reliably detect the end of a movement on the conveyor belt so that the next step in the technical process is initiated.
In this way they safeguard the dynamic, trouble-free function of your machines and the entire production flow – even in harsh environmental conditions.
Position limit switches are limit switches with an actuating lever equipped with a roller or similar feature. If a workpiece or part of the machine moves against this roller, a cam in the switch rotates; this cam actuates the contacts and an electrical signal is sent. The next work step is triggered.
Along with a simple roller lever, the switches can also have an angled roller lever or swiveling lever of adjustable length. The advantage of a roller is that the service life of the lever is longer and lower actuating forces are necessary. Position limit switches from Sitec are particularly suitable for larger parts of a machine.
Dust and dirt, blazing heat and ice cold, salt-laden sea air and nonstop sunlight, uninterrupted work at the machines – our SiTec limit switches are used in these conditions. We guarantee the highest quality for reliable usage in industry.
Particularly during the selection of the materials, we take into account the environment in which our position switches must function. For this reason we would be pleased to plan the features with you.
All position switches comply with the standards and directives.
Both limit switches are delivered in the highest quality and with the features you need. E.g. on request we fit an indicator and pressure equalization. Depending on your needs, the switches are also equipped with up to four silver changeover contacts. And the housing of the PEA is made of aluminum; for the PED of durable Duroplast. We would be pleased to discuss further special features with you.
We would be pleased to advise you as to what is standard and what is possible in addition. We look forward to receiving your call: ☎ +49 211 889 330 -01